Submission Information Guide ( Please Read )

All Your Stories (Magazine)

We accept accept short stories, essays fiction and non-fiction, travel tales, articles on lifestyle and much more check our contribution guide for word counts and subjects  if you have accompanying sketches or pictures please attach them as jpg. files.

All pages need to be numbered and show name and email address. In Ms Word not PDF. 

A short bio and picture must be attached to your submission for it to be considered.

Please state genre Fiction or non-fiction, travel, lifestyle, article, quick read, memoir.

We do not accept or publish anything sexually explicit or Erotica.

This is a non profit publication.

If your submission is accepted for publication you will receive a free online copy of the magazine.

We do not reject any submissions, if not selected they are held over for consideration to be published in a forthcoming issue.

We do not claim copyright

This magazine is to give new and experienced writers an opportunity to be published. 

Submission deadline 18th July for the August issue

The views expressed in published contributions in this magazine are those of the individual author and do not necessarily reflect those of All Your Stories Magazine or its Staff.

(C) All Your Stories 2024 All rights reserved


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