July 6, 2024

Only 12 Days to the August All Your Stories Deadline


Open for August Submissions (deadline 18th July)

Subjects: Non-Fiction stories and articles:

( No more than 1500 words)

Travel Tales and Stories, Lifestyle, Memoir, Philosophy,

Writing advice, Computing, Science, Psychology

Health and Fitness, Family, Humour, Experiences.

Do you support a charity through your writing? if so we would love to hear from you for a bi-monthly feature.

Fiction and Non-Fiction:

Maximum 3 items at any one time.

Flash Fiction  500 to 1000 words

Sudden Fiction 750 words

Drabble  100 words

Dribble 50 words

Short story 2500 words

Essays up to 2500 words

Please read the guidelines on the website before submitting to submissions@allyourstories.com

All Your Poems Magazine are open for submissions here www.allyourpoems.com